Blog 109: Through this World of Trouble (Walking the Walk Part IV)
Walking the Walk, Parts I, II & III are Blogs 26, 56 & 86…They are some of my favorites that I hold very close…here we go again…
“This world is not our home…We're only passing through…Our trail is all made up…Way beyond the blue …Let us do the very best that we can…While we're travelin' through this land…We can all be together, shakin' a hand…When we make it to the promised land…If we walk together, little children…We don't ever have to worry…Through this world of trouble…We gotta love one another”
One of my bosses once told me that FAMILY is like an Ant Hill…we all have our Role, our Part…and it is our job to carry four times our weight and work twice as hard for everyone else until the day we die…
Sometimes I forget…that it is not just me…that it is all of us…
Last month…I called a lot of friends out…”You need to work harder…You can’t talk to people all bitchy like, you have to find a way to communicate…We have to act accordingly, no matter how the other person is behaving…You have to stay true to your role, you can not falter cause it is easy…You need to change your attitude…”
And so forth and so forth.
Then in the middle of my frustration, I remembered what my other boss always says…
“When you point a finger at someone…you got three pointing back at yourself!”
My eyes wandered towards my heart, I took a heavy sigh and slapped myself upside the head. (Please note: If you are like a certain princess and are still dealing with the ramifications of a head injury, slapping oneself upside the head is not necessarily the best idea…I totally had to take a time out…it could be I just really wanted to smoke a bowl…it is up for grabs, totally…anyhoo…)
For while I was elegant and put forth only good intentions towards my ramblings and laments to my friends…was I only Talking the Talk…was I truly Walking the Walk…and if I am going to preach baby preach…I better have some action behind that shit.
If I am going to say that I am family, that I am a princess, that I am deserving of good…then I need not simply spew ideals with a judgmental glare…I need to strut righteously towards the light and never look back.
“Our bible reads…Thou shall not be afraid…Of the terror by night…Nor the arrow that flies by day…Nor for the pestilence…That waiteth in the darkness…Nor for the destruction…That waiteth in the noon-day hour…If we walk together, little children…We don't ever have to worry…”
Who am I to cast the first stone…I do not possess perfection…I am with sin…to get mad or angry or frustrated at a friend because they are not acting the way I want them to act…is me being a hypocrite…cause God knows, my actions don’t make everyone happy…But I do what I need to do…for me…
The only thing that I can ask of anyone…is the only thing they can ask of me…
To have good intentions…to be positive…to have an open-mind…to not judge…to simply be good…and through this world of trouble we have to love one another…
For we are all in this together…and if I am to understand this action correctly…It won’t be the Promise Land till we are ALL THERE.
FAMILY is about love, compromise, forgiveness, being the better person, caring, selflessness and the deep routed belief of… “Yes we can!”
Instead of me calling people out…I need to just act accordingly…for my actions define me…not the words that are coming out of mouth.
I need to remember what the true “goal” is…
“We can all be together, forever and ever…When we make it to the Promised Land…”
So my friend might have gotten my cats some toys…totally.
Start this dance move by getting your groove on…when you are ready focus in on a point on the dance floor…arch your back…start moving your butt back and forth super fast…then spring five feet forward bringing both hands together….smell your hands…look around feverishly…then start to run around the dance floor batting an imaginary toy between both hands…after about two minutes…stop your hands…look around for the lost ball…no luck…ratford!...time to start chasing your tail!
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