Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blog 81: The Power of Color (The Birth of the Jammin Chronicles)

Blog 81: The Power of Color (The Birth of the Jammin Chronicles)

Sometimes you need to recall certain things that you had forgotten…in recent weeks I have been reminded of the Power of Color…and I so appreciate the lesson.

The past few months have been hard on me, from a death of a friend to matters of the heart…I had been feeling kinda down in the dumps…almost less sparkly (it could be because I ran out of my favorite glitter…that is up for grabs…and stop discontinuing good glitter damm it!)

And as I began to heal, regroup and get my mojo back…there was still a little something missing.

Then I walked into Jammin on Haight, the old Positively Haight Street that my friends just purchased on the corner of Haight and Masonic…

Now let me start by prefacing that I used to hang out in front of this shop when I was a teenager…I first felt the effects of pot when I smoked it in the park two streets down…I bought my first tye-dye from Positively Haight Street at the age of 13…I used to get my pot on this very corner…you would get a “twamp” bag or a “haigth” (haigth = small buds fluffed to line the bottom of a bag…if it went across the baggie, you could call it an eighth even though we all knew it was short.)…my first boyfriend slept outside the store…note to all teenager girls…DO NOT DATE MEN who live on Haight Street…by this of course I mean actually on the street…if they have an apartment that is more than cool…but usually, if they live on the street, they are probably going to mooch of you…just a heads up…totally.

So to walk into this store today, almost 20 years later, and know the owners, makes me really feel like life had come full circle…I’m still like “whoaaaaa” and get that stupid-glazed-princess smile from time to time when I go in there…and I can’t stay away…it is kinda like “color crack”…realizing how wonderful the circle of life is…it is purely rejuvenating.

And then there is the “COLOR” factor…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

To saunter in and simply be encompassed in color…to be truly stimulated…makes me tingle all over.

To see people’s reaction when they put on the perfect “one”…

I sold a 13 year old boy his first tye-dye the other day…it was a “Hugo”…the store only had a couple “Hugo’s” left…I pointed them out…how you could see the unique style…how this really was a piece of art and he could probably come back in five years and sell it to us for more money than what he is paying for it now…

I saw the look on his face when he came out of the dressing room.

Have you ever seen someone truly “light up”…

Ain’t nothing like it…I can only describe it as…totally awesomeness…

You know I sparkled that little boy which I think he loved just as much ☺…I think his dad was a little jealous though…

The other day I got my first pair of tye-dye yoga pants…and let me tell you…I put them on and I had to do my “Hey-Hey-Hey” dance (to be described later)…I left them on when my “special friend” came over and he was like “Hey-Hey-Hey”…I still have the hand marks to prove it…cause my ass is bumping…and you put some tight, beautiful, one of a kind colorful yoga pants on that bitch…it is like putting foie gras on top of a steak…melt in your mouth awesomeness…

The whole experience has made me love me even more…who thought that was possible!

For the reality of the matter is that I know I stick out in my colorful dresses and my glitter and sometimes I wonder…“Should I tone down the color?”…for even a princess has self-doubt…

But why spend time in a black and white world…

Because Color…makes me Happy, it makes me Smile…

And why would I ever want to tone me down…I should only want to brighten myself…to enlighten…after all…I am Sunny!

I live in the tenderloin for God sake…we need some color up in this bitch…

When you are feeling down…put something on that makes you feel luminous…that puts you in a better mood…

When the fog is gloomy slip into something that inspires you to shine through the dusk…

And when the sun’s rays dance upon your skin, drench yourself in a rainbow so the color bounces off in all directions…let yourself shine…and encourage others to do so as well…

I have embraced my “inner-color”…and I like it…game on.



Have you ever put on a pair of pants, or a dress or something…that has made you look in the mirror, bend your knees and kind made you swing your hips and go “Hey-Hey-Hey”…I have this happen quite often…I will be trying on dresses for the night and I slip into one, and my hips start to roll, I pump my arms a little bit and get some bounce in my knees…look in the mirror and go “Hey-Hey-Hey”…

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